Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Status Update

Things are going well. I don't want to jinx it, but everything appears in place for school, so I will be able to pay for it, continue to eat, have clothing and, most importantly, I believe, learn something. However, I won't be certain about this until about a month from now.
Other than that, Kat and I have been just enjoying Tucson when it isn't too hot. Last night, we went here and listened to French songstress and siren Marianne Dissard who can be checked out here and here. It was quite fun.

We traveled up Mount Lemmon on July 4th to see the fireworks over Tucson. We saw about six or seven different shows from across the city, which was a pretty cool experience. However, seeing the explosions without the attendant booms can be a bit disorienting and some would say disappointing.

I've been reading at a high rate. The latest have been The Fraternity: Lawyers and Judges in Collusion – John Fitzgerald Molloy (a longtime Tucson lawyer and judge and currently a Tucson resident); The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice – Sandra Day O’Connor; Fools Rush In: Steve Case, Jerry Levin, and the Unmaking of AOL Time Warner – Nina Munk; Fantasyland: A Sportswriter’s Obsessive Bid to Win the World’s Most Ruthless Fantasy Baseball League – Sam Walker; A Civil Action – Jonathan Harr (what I decided was the scariest book any aspiring lawyer could read); Critical Condition: How Health Care in America Became Big Business and Bad Medicine – Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele; The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America – Erik Larson; and Ponzi’s Scheme: The True Story of a Financial Legend – Mitchell Zuckoff. I probably most enjoyed Devil in the White City (tip of the hat to Keith on that one) because it best mixed an extremely interesting era in American history with the legend of a frightening serial killer that has not widely been told previously. I recommend it if you get a chance. There have been talks about a movie (as there are with any successful book), but you should read it first.

I downloaded the newest Spoon album, the interestingly-titled Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, yesterday from eMusic (another tip of the hat to Keith and one to Shaleah) and have enjoyed it so far. I might need more spins before I have a definitive opinion. I really liked "Don't Make Me A Target" and "Black Like Me" on first listen. I also enjoyed "The Underdog." Kat and I plan to purchase the new Interpol CD Your Love to Admire, and I'll let you know what I think of that one. Those guys have built up enough goodwill with me that I doubt I can even be objective.

I continue to get up quite early in the morning to play basketball. And I continue to putter around the apartment doing chores and running errands. I think I'm good at it, but I don't think I'm really delivering that much if one were to actually place a dollar value on it. However, every time I do the three or four things Kat writes down to get done, she seems impressed. Low expectations baby, it's the name of the game.

Lastly, I'm trying to grow a moustache because I really have the time to devote to it. Here is a look at the project so far. There is definitely a long way to go. I had the idea earlier in the summer but didn't have the guts to follow through. But after seeing Mark Ruffalo's sweet 'stache in Safe Men (a rather forgettable film Kat and I Netflixed, I can't even really recommend it, although it includes Paul Giamatti as the unfortunately named Veal Chop), I was inspired. The real thing in the film was even better than this, but I couldn't find a good one.

Anyway, here is the latest progress. It's nothing spectacular, but it could be.

And here, apparently, is Kat's vision:


Jonesy said...

It scares me. Make it go away.
About the man-servant thing... How does this fantasitic scenario work? All I have to do to get things done is write a simple list? That sounds too good to be true. Oh, my husband also has to have no job and bountiful free time? Damn. Somehow I still doubt it would have worked. That is unless the list consisted entirely of media related tasks such as: 1) set up internet, 2) order new electronics online, 3) find wireless speaker system for house, etc, etc.

shirley said...

Jeffrey, It is a a little out of character for you, but with all of your reading, you are more studious and now also look that way! I commented on Kat's, so I do not have much else to say. Love and prayers, MOM