Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Whine in Old Bottles

Kat went to Scottsdale for some shopping fun today. She'll probably come back even more fashionable than she already is.

I'm going to school to study. I'm dilly-dallying about by writing this blog post in order to delay the inevitable (and wait for the library to open).

We went to a law-school related dinner last night and then went to a dessert lounge (ooh, how decadent!). We then came home and watched The Wrestler on DVD. It was pretty good, although there were parts that neither Kat nor I enjoyed watching.

Speaking of decadence, a few weeks ago we were at a different eatery and the menu said one dessert was a "decedent" portion of something-or-other. Let me provide a word of advice: it is important to know the difference between decadent and decedent - at least in my opinion.

I don't have much to say. I could tell you a lot about FRCP Rule 23 or the stepped-up tax basis for inherited property, but I don't think anyone cares. I just have to keep going.

1 comment:

Terry G. said...

Sounds like all is well in legalland. Hope the rest of the semester and the tests are easy on you. Hang in there and soon you can be recharged by the GOOD LIFE!!
Terry G.